Saturday, May 3, 2008

An Instructional Blog Post

It is true that there is more than one way to wear a headband, however there are also plenty of ways not to wear one. Here is a photo of Liz displaying one of the ways not to flaunt the band:

It was left up to me to teach that band a thing or two about where it belongs on a person's body.

"Headband! You get off of that wrist this second and get back on that cranium!"

You know headbands. Sometimes they just need a strong hand to get them back on the head.

1 comment:

neil said...

Yeah, see? It wasn't my fault! It was the headband's fault! Stupid headbands and their mischievous trickery.

(please read that last sentence again and pronounce it "miss-CHEEE-vee-us." why do I always say it like that? that's not how it's spelled.)